We are stronger than we think we are. We are more capable than we know. Sometimes we just need a little support to discover it.
The first time I heard a midwife talk about childbirth, I was captivated! The word “midwife” translates “with woman.” A midwife doesn’t claim to deliver babies. A midwife comes alongside a woman in labour and provides support through physical presence, confidence in a woman’s body to instinctually know what to do, knowledge of the process, and tools and techniques that help the woman give birth through the pain.
I see a connection in my love for empowering and supporting women who are giving birth and my passion for empowering women after traumatic life experiences.
As your coach, I walk alongside you through your grieving process and bear witness to your heart’s pain. I hold space for you, by listening, and by knowing that you can survive and thrive after betrayal, even when you doubt.
I work with you where you are, and normalize the rollercoaster of emotions that come from the trauma you’ve experienced. You are not crazy. You are not alone. You are in the aftermath.
If you are willing to reach out and take a step forward towards your own healing, you will be surprised and marvel at what you birth out of this pain.